Client Brief Team Assignment

Doing a live brief with an actual client and in my first team was a whole experience, you get a unique brief and get placed with people who can either be good or bad

luckily, i was placed with one of my friends, so there was already some form of trust there, i was also lucky to have a good team, my other friends had more nightmares than i did.

the brief was to help teach people with disabilities to say no to different kind of frauds in an easy way to understand.

we all wrote and drew storyboards to figure out what we and our client preffered to present this psa to our target audience.

the target audience was involved with the creation of this story, to make sure that our story and characters are clear and not overwhelming.

As the majority of my team preferred 3D yet had some that couldn’t help much in that area due to skills and technology, we decided to do 3D models and create some 2D aspects.

we split the tasks individually and i got to do character modelling as my characters were chosen.

It was fun to see our projects be passed on and get finalised and animated, i would love to do more of these some time soon.

added the lighting to the scene

here is the final result of our collaborative effort, we designed, created, modelled, animated and even voiced this short story to bring light to the struggles that disabled people suffer on a day to day basis.

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